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Holiday Invite

Event Invite

These are two separate examples of good invitations to an open house. Three things you have to address :
1. Date & Time
They need to be accessible hours
2. Tell them what they are buying.
3. Who are they buying for.
The only discount I give the entire season is a discount at my open house. There is a colored star on the invitation, each color is a different discount 10% -15% -20 & 25%.
They bring their invitation to find out what their discount is at check out. The majority of the discounts are between 10 and 15% with a few 20s and 25s. They they come with their invitation, they love a deal! In today’s world they want to feel like they’re getting a deal that’s why they come. They come back when it’s enchanting. You need to create a fun, beautiful atmosphere with good prices, pretty decorated gifts, products for them and you!. When you accomplish that they’ll want to bring their friends and that’s how simply you can grow your mailing list and holiday business.